Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vintage Leadership

Preparing to lead Vintage is a task I’m taking very seriously. The last six months I have realized, like never before, the importance of great leadership in the success of a church. Every great movement has been started and sustained by great leaders. There are a lot of books on leadership, but I have just been seeking God about how He can build me into the leader Vintage needs. Through reading and praying God has taught me the following leadership principles.

  1. Great leaders of men must be great followers of God.
  2. Great leaders find a way to bring out the best in those around them.
  3. Great leaders know how to balance truth and grace.
  4. Great leaders know who they are and who they are not.
  5. Great leaders are never motivated by the spotlight.

1 comment:

Dustin Wilson said...

Welcome back. I like the new blog title and the fact that you are back on here. I am really debating on deleting my blog and starting from scratch. I really want to start blogging regularly. ichat you later.