Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Weekend Reflections

Wow!! Last weekend was really busy. But awesome!

On Friday, we had a gathering of our Core Team for Vintage. I'm so pumped about the team God is building to launch this church. It is a group of gifted people, passionate about Jesus and in love with the vision God has given us. We spent the evening hanging out, talking about the year to come, and ended up worshiping until around 11:30 p.m.

On Saturday, the in-laws came up from SC. I value my relationship with Ashley's family so much. It was good to spend some time with them. They brought gifts for our expectant twins, including their first Clemson gear. Between my family and Ash's, our kids are going to be so spoiled.

On Sunday, we worshiped at newhope. It was awesome to hear the Word from Matt LeRoy. Matt is such a gifted speaker. He is going to do (and is doing) amazing things for the cause of Christ.

We capped the weekend off with the best Super Bowl ever! What a game! I was on the edge of my seat the entire forth quarter.

Busy weekends are good if you're busy at things worthy of all the energy. That was definitely the case this weekend.

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