Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Are you good at confrontation? Do you even like it? Maybe even seek it? If so, I envy you a little. In the past I've tried to pretend I'm a gutsy dude. I'm learning that at times I'm a straight up wimp. I don't like confrontation. And that's not a good thing. As a leader, I have to be willing to get in the face of people who threaten the vision God's given me for his church. I have to be like Paul.

When Peter came to Anitoch, I (Paul) opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Galatians 2:11

Peter was a heavyweight in the church, and Paul got in his grill. Why? He had to. Paul could not, and would not, stand by and watch Peter do something that was "clearly wrong". Paul wasn't worried that Peter may have been "above him". He wasn't worried that Peter may think bad of him. He did care if others got upset because he called Peter out. Paul was more concerned about the integrity of the Gospel and the greater health of the movement.

I want that same boldness. I need that same boldness. As guardian of the vision of Vintage Church I will have to confront people who will seek to dilute what God has called us to do. I can't stand for that! I can't allow anyone to slow the snow ball that is God's church!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it man. I have watched you get really passionate about the vision God has given you. I believe you will not lay down and let people walk all over you. Sometimes people need to be slapped around a time or two before they can see clearly what God has in store.