Friday, February 01, 2008

Overwhelmed, excited, anxious, and a little freaked!!!

Yep, I'm experiencing all of those. Right now I'm on staff at newhope church in Durham. I'm preparing to plant Vintage in Greensboro. And to top it all off, we're expecting TWINS!! Good reason to feel all these things? I think so. God seems to be doing the most amazing, life-changing events at once. As hard as it is sometimes to deal with it all, I wouldn't change a thing. These are cool days. I've never been more dependent on God. I've never been surrounded by such awesome leaders. I've never experienced such an awesome spiritual awakening. I once gave a message titled "On a Limb", now I'm living on one. It's the adventure I requested.

Is your life boring? Are things mundane? Are you in routine with no surprises? Pray for God to give you a new adventure. I dare you!!!

2008 is going to be one heck of a year. Lift me up!!

1 comment:

nathan richardson said...

congrats matt,
twins are an amazing thing. rhodes keeps me connected a little bit of my south days. did you know we just live 15 minutes away now?